Wednesday, December 5, 2007

My Nightmare!

It's been a bit since I updated so here's the latest. The kids all have colds but the worst is over. It all started last Wed. at meeting. Ron was out of town so I bundled the kids up and off we went to meeting. Half-way through prayer I hear this little urp sound and look at Jed who is gagging. So i throw Brock down in the middle of meeting and grab Jed to run for the bathroom. He proceeded to throw up all over me and himself as we left a trail for the bathroom. Good thing we made it there as he was all done by the time we arrrived!!! HAH I really tried hard to find a hole to crawl into but none was to be found. Soon I heard a vaccuum and everyone came to help. Meeting was put on hold until we left. We borrowed some clothes and headed home. Jed continued to lose his cookies every 15 minutes all nght long. I joined him mid-way through the night and Jera joined in at 6am. Brock woke up at 7 with diarrahea from neck in front to neck in back. So there we were all of sick and no daddy. Needless to say Ron got and SOS phone call and he came home.... not to help but because he was sick too! AARGH!! Well we made it through so hope we don't have any repeats tonight at meeting!! I decided I didn't need to add any photos of that little episode in our lives!!!


Ashley said...

I'm so sorry Lisa. I hope you all are feeling better quickly. We will be thinking about you.

theo and sarah said...

Hi Lisa - found your blog through blog hopping. Hope you don't have a repeat episode tonight.
Sarah (Byers) Scholze

Jeff & Aleigh said...

Oh no!!! :( I hope you're all better and there are no more episodes!! Thanks for sparing us the photos also!!! *HUGS*

DougnKarena said...

eewww!!:) I think I've had better nightmares!!! get well wishes to all!!!! (At least you won't be bringing it with you at Christmas time! ha!)

Melissa said...

Eghh, you guys too, huh? There's some nasty stuff going around right now, that's for sure. Hope you're all feeling better!

Amber said...

I feel your pain. We've had coughs and flu for almost 3 weeks.Hope you are all feeling better soon! Check out our blog